08 Mar Debate instructions: You have been divided into two groups. Group A will support SNCC and what evolved into the Black Power movement. Group B will support th
Debate Instructions: 1. You will need to have at least 300 words in this...
Debate Instructions: 1. You will need to have at least 300 words in this...
INSTRUCTIONS: In order to prepare you must complete the following readings: ...
WRITING ASSIGNMENT 1A: Reconstruction. President Lincoln's goal for reconstruction remained linked to his goal...
Primary Document writing (approximately 5 .) - At least 4 3/4 is the minimum, and...
Analyze the key American military conflicts since 1898. Why did the United States join each...
Choose two or more diverse groups of American Women (Native American, African-American, Latinx, or Asian...
Discussion Forum Post: Women's History, Historical Change, and the Status of Women's Rights in...
In the Discussion Forum, drawing on this week's reading, listening and watching, summarize your thoughts...
1. Embed a video that shows an excerpt of the film or video...
Compare the United States Constitution and the Constitution for the State of Georgia. What are...