Chat with us, powered by LiveChat You will then review the presentations of at least two of your classmates and provide positive, constructive feedback (minimum of 150 words) for each of the presentatio - Essayabode

You will then review the presentations of at least two of your classmates and provide positive, constructive feedback (minimum of 150 words) for each of the presentatio

 You will then review the presentations of at least two of your classmates and provide positive, constructive feedback (minimum of 150 words) for each of the presentations as part of the required discussion question responses for the week.

You will also complete and submit to the instructor the “Presentation Feedback Form,” evaluating a minimum of two presentations (same presentations critiqued in “Discussion Forum” or two others).

At the bottom of the “Presentation Feedback Form,” write a 250-500 word summary and reflection on the feedback you received and:

  • Compare your presentation to the peer presentations you evaluated.
  • Summarize the feedback you received from your peers on the discussion forum.
  • Identify strategies and techniques to enhance the effectiveness of future professional development sessions.

Classroom management and strategies

Ally Lugowski

Hi, my name is Ally Lugowski and today we are going to discuss all things classroom management and strategies to try in the classroom.




The 5 W’s of Classroom Management


Act it Out Activity

Wrap Up

Here is our agenda for today’s session. First, we will start with an introduction activity. Then, we will move on and chat a bit about the 5 W’s of classroom management and strategies to try in the classroom. We will practice what we discussed by doing an act it out activity with our table groups, then wrap up by finishing the introduction activity. Feel free to ask questions at any point during this session and share with us if you have any comments or aha moments!



Think about these questions:

What do you know about classroom management?

What do you wonder about classroom management?

What classroom management strategy works best in your current classroom?

Go to this link and post a sticky note to each question board.

Add sticky note to board

Turn to next question

First, take a minute to think about these questions. 1. What do you already know about classroom management? This can be what it is, strategies you have used or have heard of, how it can help classrooms, etc. 2. What do you wonder about classroom management. Think of something you want to learn more about, even if you already have some knowledge of the topic. 3. What classroom management strategy works best in your current classroom. Do not worry about being incorrect because there are no wrong answers to these questions. As long as you are honest and post with heart, it will be correct.

Please grab your computer and go to this link. It will take you to a Google Jamboard where we will all share answers to three questions. Your answers will be anonymous, so again, please be honest.

Here is the button to add a sticky note to the board and here is the button that will take you to the next question.

*As participants are adding their sticky notes, pull up the Jamboard on the screen. Once everyone is finished, read some aloud and note if any are similar, different, etc.)




The 5 W’s of Classroom Management


Scenario Activity

Wrap Up

That wraps up our introduction, let’s move onto the 5 W’s of classroom management.


What is Classroom Management?

A process that all teachers use to assist them in the classroom

All teachers have a different style that works for them and their students

First, what is classroom management? Overall, it is a process that all teachers use to assist them in the classroom. It shows the students how to act in class and what rules and procedures look like. Also, it allows the students to feel safe at school. It is important to note that all teachers have a different classroom management style and that is okay! It is dependent on your grade-level, content area, and time of day. A kindergarten class will look different than a fourth-grade class and both of those will look different than a PE class. It is essential that you know what type of students you have in class and their capabilities based on age and prior knowledge.


Who needs Classroom Management?

Any adult in the classroom (teacher, para educator, student teacher, etc.)

Students in each classroom

School counselor/psychologist


Behavior interventionists

Next, who needs classroom management? The short answer is everybody! Any adult in the classroom needs it to help them run their class in the most effective and engaging way. This can be the main teacher, a paraeducator who is teaching or assisting students, a student teacher in the room, etc. Students also need classroom management in every classroom they walk into. This will help them be the best version of themselves and learn to the fullest extent that their brain allows. School counselors, administrators, and behavior interventionists need to not only have their own implementation of classroom management, but also know the teacher that they are coming into or the student's teacher when discussing behavior or discipline. Effective and engaging classroom management is a team approach and requires an all-hands-on deck mentality for it to be most useful (Levings, 2020).


Where and when should Classroom Management be used?

Inside the classroom

During direct instruction

During non-instructional time

During transitions

During specials/electives

In the hallways

During recess

In the cafeteria

Where and when should classroom management be used? Again, the short answer to this is everywhere, all the time. The rules and procedures may look different depending on the time and place, but there are always correct ways of acting to keep school a fun place to learn and interact with their peers. As an educator, it is important for us to teach students the rules and procedures inside the classroom during various times such as instructional time, non-instructional time, transitions, and during other classes like specials. Also, they should know how to walk in the hallways when other classes are in session, during recess, in the cafeteria, etc. Specific classroom management strategies will assist during all these times.


Why is Classroom Management important?

Fosters a safe environment

Structured and organized classroom

Builds trust

Maximizes engagement

Minimizes disruption

Most importantly, why is classroom management important? There are dozens of reasons as to why it is important to establish classroom management in your class, here a few to name. First, is that when classroom management strategies are used, it fosters a safe environment where students can learn academics, social skills, and emotionally. When strategies are used it allows for a more structured and organized classroom which will help model for students how to have a good work ethic and how to work with others. It builds trust between the students and their teachers and peers because it sets up expectations of how to treat one another and how to act in a specific school setting (Foster, 2022). It maximizes student engagement when they trust their teacher and peers and have built positive relationships. If a student feels valued and safe in a classroom, they will want to participate and complete work, even if they do not enjoy school. Lastly, it minimizes disruption because the students know their expectations and can build independence in the classroom setting. Now, students are humans and sometimes they have bad days and that is okay. But make sure to start new each day and stay positive.




The 5 W’s of Classroom Management


Act it Out Activity

Wrap Up

That wraps up our 5 W’s of classroom management, are there any questions? *Answer as needed* Let’s move onto strategies and the how of classroom management.


Think – pair – share

Take 1 minute to think about a new classroom management strategy that you can try this week

Take 2 minutes to share with your shoulder partner(s)

Share with the group

We will start with a think, pair, share. So, spend one minute brainstorming at least one new classroom management strategy that you can try this week. Again, this is something that assists you when carrying out rules, procedures, and expectations and allows for a positive learning environment. I will let you know when to start sharing with a partner, right now just take a moment to think.

Now you can begin discussing with the people around you. Take two minutes to share and explain your thinking.

Do I have any volunteers to share with the group what you or your partner thought of and your discussion? *Spend a few minutes debriefing discussions*


Examples of strategies to try

Greet students when they come in and say goodbye when they leave

Set clear rules and expectations

For upper grades – have students help create some rules

Send positive emails home

Use positive reinforcement

Get to know your students

For younger grades – have students share during carpet time

Now that you all shared, I will share a few strategies that I have used that have been effective.

Greet your students when they come into the room in the mornings and say goodbye as they leave for the day. Make sure to use their names as much as possible when doing this because it makes them feel valued in the room and starts/finishes their day in a positive manner. If they feel seen, they will engage more in a a positive way in class.

Set clear rules and expectations from the first day and stick to it. This will leave no room for students to misbehave or act in an inappropriate way and if they do, go back to the rules and do a quick reteach lesson. For upper grades, have students assist you in writing rules for how they think they should be acting in the classroom. If they have a say in writing the rules, they will feel more willing to follow.

Send positive emails home. This fosters a positive message going home when students are doing something above and beyond and we want them to feel recognized for that (Mar, 2022). This also helps parents feel involved in the classroom.

Use positive reinforcement. This means talk about the students following the rules and expectations and reward them for that rather than telling students not to do something and disciplining them. I know this isn’t feasible all the time but try your best to always make things positive to show the students who are not following the rules of how they should be acting. Make sure there is intrinsic motivation being learned, but you can also use extrinsic motivation by giving them something tangible.

Get to know your students. Have conversations about what their likes and dislikes are, what they do outside of school, about their family and friends, etc. This helps build trust and establish a positive relationship. One way to get to know the students is having students share about their weekend on Mondays or with younger students allowing them to share one thing with the class during carpet time. Establish the correct time to chat about these things, so during instructional time, they do not get distracted by one another or themselves.




The 5 W’s of Classroom Management


Act it Out Activity

Wrap Up

Are there any questions or comments about strategies you can use? *Answer questions as needed*

Now for our activity!


Let’s try!

Find the grade level/class type on your table

With your group, pick one classroom management strategy that would be effective for that grade or class

Create a skit showing the strategy and explain to us how it will create a supportive and effective classroom

I have put a grade level or special area on your tables. With your group you have 5 minutes to pick a strategy and create a skit to show the rest of us. After or during the skit, make sure to tell us what grade level or special area you have and explain how your example will create a supportive and effective classroom long-term.

*Set timer for five minutes. Give them reminders of time. Share when timer is up and discuss and each group presents*




The 5 W’s of Classroom Management


Act it Out Activity

Wrap Up

Now, let’s wrap up the session.


Wrap up

Think about these questions:

What is one thing that you learned in this training that you can begin implementing in your classroom ASAP?

Go back to this link and post a sticky note to the last question board.

Log back onto the Jamboard from earlier and write about one thing you learned in this training that you can begin implementing in your own classroom.

*As participants are adding their sticky notes, pull up the Jamboard on the screen. Once everyone is finished, read some aloud and note if any are similar, different, etc.)


Supplemental support – Has over 20 digital articles that assist in different types of strategies




The First Six Weeks of School by Paula Denton and Roxann Kriete

Teach Like a Champion by Doug Lemov

There is a handout on each of your tables that I want you to take back to your rooms and take a look it. It has supplemental resources for you to continue to learn about classroom management and strategies. It has books, podcasts, videos, and websites that I think will be the most supportive for you to learn further.


Sign up for support and follow up

Please sign up for a time for me to come to your room and follow up in the next three weeks.

I want to be here to support you in implementing new strategies in your classrooms. Please go to this link and sign up for a follow up one-on-one meeting so we can discuss you new strategies, how they are working, if anything needs to be changed, and how I can best support you! You can also always email me and we can also chat that way.



Foster, S. Classroom management for learning. (2022). University of Colorado Boulder. learning

Levings, K. Classroom management: the most common pitfalls and how to avoid them. (2020). Insights to Behavior. management-common-mistakes-avoid/

Mar, Z. 6 classroom management strategies for elementary teachers. (2022). HMH Co.



Kagan Strategies Workshop

Basic intro: mention by principal previously, will be implementing this year

Reference email with links to the references discussed in side show



Our time is valuable- let's use it efficiently


Overview of Kagan Strategies

Group Work

Group Presentation


Today's Purpose

 To work together to find strategies that can be used across grade levels and subjects that will add more cohesive and engaging learning

Kagan has been suggested by our principal as a system of strategies to use in our classrooms

Student engagement has been mentioned as a concern–teachers are each other's best resources

We all work towards positive and engaging classrooms and lessons; student engagement has been mentioned several times as a point of concern among the staff



Work together to continue to build and grow our school community

Builds creative and positive learning environments 

 Can be a safety net (anyone have a seemingly silly idea?)

Not just for teachers but students too

Source: NEA Today

Teachers beg, borrow, and steal (pause for obvious laughter)–but really, collaboration is one of the best ways to learn for both ourselves and our students


So what are Kagan Strategies?

Requiring additional items for teachers to do can feel like more work—emphasize these are strategies that many of us have already talked about using (a few that will be shared were mentioned in a previous meeting)


Good news is, you're probably already doing or have tried many of these in your own classroom (Cooperative Learning, anyone?) (Clowes, 2011)

Different activities where students are working together (more good news–they're short activities!)

Engagement & Benefits

As the article says, there is no "one size fits all"

Reference previous head of school's phrase: every strategy works, just not every time"


Using multiple strategies allows for opportunities to engage multiple students 

Helps to build healthy and positive communication in class

"Promote risk taking" (Sanders, 2022). 

From: We Are Teachers

 What Kagan has to say…

Behavior improves

Students enjoy learning with Kagan strategies

Increase in testing scores

Review basic and major point on graphic


Kagan says continued…

Some repeat from previous graphic

Big takeaway here is relationships and social skills (race has been an issue in some classes—bring attention to Kagan's claim that it improves relationships across races)


Relationships improve between students with different backgrounds

Social skills increase (we are seeing the need for this)


Rally Robin: done in pairs, students take turns adding to a descriptive list (characterization, types of rocks, etc.)

 Timed Pair Share: take turns answering a question within a given amount of time (e.g. 1-2 minutes)

Round Robin: same as Rally Robin but done in groups

 Rally Coach: one student solves a problem while the other encourage and helps; students then switch roles

Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up: Students find a partner in a different part of the room (not right next to them) to answer a question, review material, etc. 

These are known as the "Essential 5" (the first two being the "Essential 2")


Most are strategies we've tried. Quick poll: any that have not been/unfamiliar with?


Your Turn! 

Horizontal planning across grade level, possible vertical 


Grade levels partner up and decide on two strategies to use in the classroom this year (can be strategies already in use)

This can be further divided between content partners

Teams will then present the strategies they decided on and the reasons for picking (success in the past, trying new things)

15 minutes!

Make joke about technology never working when you need it to (video would not paste so had to put in link)–roll with the punches and use what you have people

Teachers have 15 minutes to meet, discuss, and come to agreements


 6t​h Grade

What did you come up with?

7th Grade

What did you decide on?

8th Grade

 What was your decision?


What's the point in presenting this and talking about it if it won't be discussed again. Will come back during next PLC to discuss results–maybe reference editing a paper (as any good English teacher might)


We will be reviewing these at our next PLC meeting in four weeks

Use both strategies multiple times in the next month

Come prepared to talk: What worked? What didn't? Any thoughts on why? 

Discussing next steps


Clowes, G. (2011). Kagan's free articles-Research & rationale-Research proves effectiveness of Kagan  Structures.

Kagan Publishing & Professional Development- (2019). Kagan

 Sanders, S. (2022, November 15). What are Kagan strategies? We Are Teachers.









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