Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In this individual assignment, you will participate in an investment game project (please ensure you have registered). Create a portfolio comprising of individual securi - Essayabode

In this individual assignment, you will participate in an investment game project (please ensure you have registered). Create a portfolio comprising of individual securi

FNCE 625 – Investment Analysis and Management  

Individual assignment - Investment game project


In this individual assignment, you will participate in an investment game project (please ensure you have registered).

Create a portfolio comprising of individual securities (you are allowed to trade in any security available on the online platform, this includes ETFs, etc).

You are expected to explain the rationale behind each security selection (rationale for including the security and a quick view on valuation). You are also expected to explain why the portfolio you have constructed using these securities is a robust, well constructed, efficient portfolio in line with the discussion on the subject in class.

Use data, and analysis to support your explanation.

Deliverables: PowerPoint slide presentation (12 slides max) including portfolio with relevant risk-return metrics. In-class presentation (5 mins max).

Weight: 25% (see rubric for more details)

Your written report should be structured with the following sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale for each security added to the portfolio
  3. Summary of Portfolio including portfolio assessment
  4. Conclusion


  • The report should be in PowerPoint format and not exceed 12 slides.
  • Most students will be selected to present in-class, some will have to submit a recording of their presentation (I will provide details for the recording)
    • The time limit is 5 minutes and applies to both those selected for an in-class presentation, and those selected to pre-record their presentation!
    • There will be grade penalties for exceeding the allotted time!
  • The PowerPoint presentation should be submitted before the class in which the individual presentations will take place as per the course outline.

Link for Registeration stock market game(investment game project):

RUBRICS and Syllabus as attached below.

Ind. Assignment – Case

UCW Master's Level Grading Rubric For Assessment
Student Name Course
Total Grade 0%
1-4 Scale 1 2 3 4
Percentage Score 0-59 60-67 68-71 72-75 76-79 80-84 85-89 90-100
Grades F C B- B B+ A- A A+
Mastery Level Weight Student Score Beginning Developing Competent Mastery
Standard Level Below Standard Approaching Standard At Standard Exceeds Standard
Subject Matter
Answering questions and results of research 60 Key elements are not adequately covered. Content is not comprehensive, has inaccuracies and is not persuasive. Displays lack of understanding of relevant theory. Points not adequately supported by references. Research is lacking in content and quality Key elements are mostly covered. Content is mostly accurate but lacks persuasivness. Displays some understanding of relevant theory. Points mostly supported by references. Research is lacking in content and quality Key elements are adequately covered. Content is accurate and persuasive. Displays adequate understanding of relevant theory. Points supported by references. Research is adequate in content and quality Key elements are completely covered. Content is comprehensive, accurate and persuasive. Displays superior understanding of relevant theory. Points fully supported by specific references. Research is superior in content and quality
Organization & Critical Thinking
Demonstration of thought process and analysis of problem and resolution using own thoughts and ideas 20 Introduction provides poor level of background of paper Structure of paper is not clear and is difficult to follow train of thought process Conclusion does not follow logically from body of paper Critical Thinking is lacking: missing logical argumentation & reasoning, concrete examples & valid inferences Introduction provides background of paper missing some key elements Structure of paper is not clear and it is not easy to follow train of thought process Conclusion follows from body of paper but misses key points Critical Thinking is not fully present: missing key points of logical argumentation & reasoning, concrete examples & valid inferences Introduction provides good level of background of paper Structure of paper is clear and train of thought process is understandable Conclusion mostly follows logically from body of paper Critical Thinking is present: logical argumentation & reasoning shows, reasonable examples & valid inferences are made Introduction provides superior level of background of paper Structure of paper is very clear and easy to follow train of thought process Conclusion follows logically from body of paper Critical Thinking is present through: logical argumentation & reasoning, concrete examples & valid inferences
Style & Mechanics
APA Application of the requirements of the 7th APA manual to create a standardized formatted report 5 7th Ed. APA Manual is not followed or there are significant errors in: title page & references pages. In-text citations, paraphrasing and direct quotes are quite inadequate but do not rise to the level of plagiarism 7th Ed. APA Manual is followed with significant errors in: title page & references pages. In-text citations, paraphrasing and direct quotes are lacking but do not rise to the level of plagiarism 7th Ed. APA Manual is followed with minor errors in: formatted title page, formatted references pages, in-text citations, paraphrasing and direct quotes are adequately used in the correct context 7th Ed. APA Manual is followed with no errors including: properly formatted title page, properly formatted references pages, in-text citations are correclty used, paraphrasing and direct quotes are properly used in the correct context
Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling Use of proper English language grammar, spelling and punctuation to create a readable paper. 5 Grammar and sentence structure has major problems following standard English rules and reads with difficulty with major errors in punctuation and spelling Grammar and sentence structure has problems following standard English rules and reads with some difficulty with errors in punctuation and spelling Grammar and sentence structure mostly follows standard English rules and reads reasonably well with few errors in punctuation and spelling Grammar and sentence structure follows standard English rules and reads well with excellent punctuation and spelling
Readability & Style Clarity of thought and appropropriate level of language use that brings the author's thoughts and ideas to the reader. 10 Sentences are lacking in completeness, clearness, consicseness and are not well-structured. Transitions do not maintain flow of thought. Words are ambiguous. Tone is inappropriate to audience/assessment. Colloquial language or inappropriatel use of paraphrasing is used. Sentences need to be more complete, clear, consicse and well-constructed. Transitions do not maintain flow of thought well. Words are not precise and have some ambiguity. Tone is not appropriate to audience/assessment. Colloquial language or inappropriatel use of paraphrasing is used too much. Sentences are mostly complete, clear, consicse and well-constructed. Transitions moslty maintain flow of thought. Words are mostly precise with little ambiguity. Tone is mostly appropriate to audience/assessment. Colloquial language or inappropriatel use of paraphrasing is used sparingly. Sentences are consistently complete, clear, consicse and well-constructed with strong, varied structure. Transitions consistently maintain flow of thought. Words are quite precise and unambiguous. Tone is comlpetely appropriate to audience/assessment. No colloquial language or inappropriatel use of paraphrasing used.
Marks 100 – 0 Additional Comments

Ind. Assignment – Inv Game

UCW Masters Level Grading Rubric For Assessment of Presentation
Student Name Course
Total Grade 0%
1-4 Scale 1 2 3 4
Percentage Score Weight Student Score 0-59 60-67 68-71 72-75 76-79 80-84 85-89 90-100
Grades F C B- B B+ A- A A+
Mastery Level Beginning Developing Competent Mastery
Standard Level Below Standard Approaching Standard At Standard Exceeds Standard
Answering questions and results of research 50 Demonstrates poor evaluation and analysis of subject Demonstrates inadequate evaluation and analysis of subject Demonstrates adequate evaluation and analysis of subject Demonstrates thorough evaluation and analysis of subject
Eloquence (Oral Communication) 5 Demonstrates poor level of eloquence in oral presentation Demonstrates inadequate level of eloquence in oral presentation Demonstrates adequate level of eloquence in oral presentation Demonstrates superior level of eloquence in oral presentation
Body Language (Nonverbal communication) 5 Demonstrates poor level of nonverbal communication during presentation Demonstrates inadequte level of nonverbal communication during presentation Demonstrates adequate level of nonverbal communication during presentation Demonstrates superior level of nonverbal communication during presentation
Presentation Aids (PowerPoint, video, poster, handouts) 5 Presentation aids are inappropriate, adding little or no context and understanding to the presentation Presentation aids are not fully appropriate, adding some context and understanding to the presentation Presentation aids are appropriate, adding good context and understanding to the presentation Presentation aids are fully appropriate, adding context and understanding to the presentation
Time Management 5 Demonstrates poor level of time management in presentation Demonstrates inadequate level of time management in presentation Demonstrates adequate level of time management in presentation Demonstrates superior level of time management in presentation
Organization & Critical Thinking
Demonstration of thought process and analysis of problem and resolution using own thoughts and ideas 30 Critical Thinking is lacking: missing logical argumentation & reasoning, concrete examples & valid inferences Critical Thinking is not fully present: missing key points of logical argumentation & reasoning, concrete examples & valid inferences Critical Thinking is present: logical argumentation & reasoning shows, reasonable examples & valid inferences are made Critical Thinking is present through: logical argumentation & reasoning, concrete examples & valid inferences
Marks 100 – 0 Additional Comments

Group Assignment

UCW Masters Level Grading Rubric For Assessment of Presentation
Student Name Course
Total Grade 0%
1-4 Scale 1 2 3 4
Percentage Score Weight Student Score 0-59 60-67 68-71 72-75 76-79 80-84 85-89 90-100
Grades F C B- B B+ A- A A+
Mastery Level Beginning Developing Competent Mastery
Standard Level Below Standard Approaching Standard At Standard Exceeds Standard
Answering questions and results of research 45 Demonstrates poor evaluation and analysis of subject Demonstrates inadequate evaluation and analysis of subject Demonstrates adequate evaluation and analysis of subject Demonstrates thorough evaluation and analysis of subject
Eloquence (Oral Communication) 5 Demonstrates poor level of eloquence in oral presentation Demonstrates inadequate level of eloquence in oral presentation Demonstrates adequate level of eloquence in oral presentation Demonstrates superior level of eloquence in oral presentation
Body Language (Nonverbal communication) 5 Demonstrates poor level of nonverbal communication during presentation Demonstrates inadequte level of nonverbal communication during presentation Demonstrates adequate level of nonverbal communication during presentation Demonstrates superior level of nonverbal communication during presentation
Presentation Aids (PowerPoint, video, poster, handouts) 5 Presentation aids are inappropriate, adding little or no context and understanding to the presentation Presentation aids are not fully appropriate, adding some context and understanding to the presentation Presentation aids are appropriate, adding good context and understanding to the presentation Presentation aids are fully appropriate, adding context and understanding to the presentation
Time Management 5 Demonstrates poor level of time management in presentation Demonstrates inadequate level of time management in presentation Demonstrates adequate level of time management in presentation Demonstrates superior level of time management in presentation
Q/A Session, Audience awareness 5 Demonstrates poor level of understanding and background in answering questions, reading audience interest level and acting accordingly Demonstrates inadequate level of understanding and background in answering questions, reading audience interest level and acting accordingly Demonstrates adequate level of understanding and background in answering questions, reading audience interest level and acting accordingly Demonstrates superior level of understanding and background in answering questions, reading audience interest level and acting accordingly
Organization & Critical Thinking
Demonstration of thought process and analysis of problem and resolution using own thoughts and ideas 30 Critical Thinking is lacking: missing logical argumentation & reasoning, concrete examples & valid inferences Critical Thinking is not fully present: missing key points of logical argumentation & reasoning, concrete examples & valid inferences Critical Thinking is present: logical argumentation & reasoning shows, reasonable examples & valid inferences are made Critical Thinking is present through: logical argumentation & reasoning, concrete examples & valid inferences
Marks 100 – 0 Additional Comments

Discussion Forum

UCW Masters Level Grading Rubric For Assessment of Presentation
Student Name Course
Total Grade 0%
1-4 Scale 1 2 3 4
Percentage Score Weight Student Score 0-59 60-67 68-71 72-75 76-79 80-84 85-89 90-100
Grades F C B- B B+ A- A A+
Mastery Level Beginning Developing Competent Mastery
Standard Level Below Standard Approaching Standard At Standard Exceeds Standard
Participation in the discussion 100
Marks 100 – 0 All valid discussion forum posts will get 100%.

Masters – CaseStudy

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UCW Masters Level Grading Rubric For Assessment Of Case Study
Student Name Course
Total Grade 0
1-4 Scale 1 2 3 4
Percentage Score Weight Student Score 0-59 60-67 78-81 82-84 85-89 88-91 92-100
Grades F D C