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What is Physical Activity, and what is Physical Fitness?

  Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference    


This week we will expand upon the introductions from last week and look at ourselves, our talents, strengths, and personalities and consider the ways we can use those to succeed in whatever path we take in the future.

First, take some time to work through this free personality test, which is based on the Myers-Briggs personality types.  It will take you 10-15 minutes to work through it.

Then, once you have an idea of your personality type based on the results, take some time to read through the description of your type with an open mind: Remember that the results are simply an indicator of your preferences – they do not dictate any sort of pathway or indicate that anything is right or wrong. Read more about preferences here:

Then, take a look at one or both of the below resources that have some charts and suggestions for career pathways that may match up to the preferences of those with your personality “type”.

Career Assessment Site:


Week 2: Physical Activity and Exercise Guidelines

Step 1: Go to the following web page…Trending Topic / Physical Activity Guidelines, :


You will see a series of 5 links as follows: 

Step 2: Click on the link titled “Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd Edition”.  Open the link.  Click on, “learn what the recommendations are here”. A new page will open. Download the document titled: “Download the complete second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines [PDF – 14.2MB].

Save “ Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. 2nd edition” for your records and read and review the document.


Step 3: Return to the main page, with the 5 links, and click on and open the link to “Official Positions”, Scroll down to the Heading “Earlier Papers” and the document titled “ Quantity and Quality of Exercise for Developing and Maintaining Cardiorespiratory, Musculoskeletal, and Neuromotor Fitness in Apparently Healthy Adults: Guidance for Prescribing Exercise”, Save the document for your records, and read and review the article. 


Step 4: Upon reading and reviewing the articles, Answer the following questions:


1. In your own words: what is Physical Activity, and what is Physical Fitness?

2. Who created the two documents you were asked to find and download? Why is the authorship important?

3. Based on your personal definitions, are these guidelines important to developing exercise training and conditioning programs for improved physical activity and improved physical fitness? Why? Why not?       


Military families face numerous obstacles on a daily basis. What do you think the biggest challenges are for military families (you may share personal experience, what you observed from a family member or friend, or based on what you learned this week)?

Make sure to support your answers with facts from the lectures/lesson material.

Are there any resources in your community for military families? Take a minute and do an internet search for resources in your community and share your results with the class.


First, take some time to work through this free personality test, which is based on the Myers-Briggs personality types.  It will take you 10-15 minutes to work through it.

Then, once you have an idea of your personality type based on the results, take some time to read through the description of your type with an open mind: Remember that the results are simply an indicator of your preferences – they do not dictate any sort of pathway or indicate that anything is right or wrong. Read more about preferences here:

Then, take a look at one or both of the below resources that have some charts and suggestions for career pathways that may match up to the preferences of those with your personality “type”.

Career Assessment Site:



Abortion is always a sticky subject. Taking the notions of care ethics and relationships in moral matters into consideration, present a researched argument that there are times when having an abortion is the morally right thing to do.

Before you post, please thoroughly edit your writing to ensure it is professional and academic. For more details about how the initial post and peer replies are graded, see the "Discussion Guidelines" and "Grading Rubric" linked below.


Provide a brief overview of the roles of the following entities as they relate to homeland security.

· Department of Defense, in particular US Northern Command (NORTHCOM).

· National Guard

Offer a full explanation regarding Posse Comitatus Act, as well as the manner in which it impacts the use of homeland defense assets in supporting homeland security activities?


The following discussion comes from your Week 2 readings. Outside research to address these issues is required. Use the online library for additional sources of information and research.  In addition, I recommend utilizing the Legal Studies Program Guide

There are two basic elements required for any crime: actus rea and mens rea. A crime must be the result of a voluntary act and it must have the evil intent at the time of the crime. This is established by looking at the state of mind of the offender at the time of the crime.

Defenses to a crime can be justifications or excuses.  A justification defense indicates that the act was criminal, but the actor was justified, while defenses of excuse indicate that the act was not a crime due to some extenuating circumstance. 

Read the following scenario and and answer its questions: 

Maria has been angry with Carlos for a very long time. She had threatened to kill Carlos on a couple of occasions. One day, Maria sees Carlos standing on a street corner waiting to cross the street. There are several people standing around Carlos, also waiting to cross. Maria pulls out a gun and fires at Carlos. The bullet grazes Carlos's arm, injuring him. However, the same bullet strikes and kills Raquel, who was unknown to Maria.

1) Considering the ideas and concepts covered this week, what crime or crimes has Maria committed? Explain your reasoning, especially with regard to actus rea, mens rea and corpus delicti. What might be some valid defenses that Maria may assert? 

2) Now, research the relevant statutes in your state that correspond to the crimes and defenses that you discussed in your answers to Q1. In light of what you see in your state statutes, how might your answers, including about possible defenses, change (if at all)? 

3) How did conducting research and going through each step of legal analysis help you to reach this conclusion?  Analyze how you applied critical thinking and legal analytical skills to assist you in this regard.  What new research and/or analytical tool or method did you try for the first time this week?  What do you think you do well and what would you like to strengthen so that you continue to improve?   

4) Collaborate with each other as the week goes on to make all aspects of this Discussion as robust as possible.


Please answer the following questions regarding Health Care Costs and Product Differentiation

· Using supply and demand analysis, explain some of the factors that may have led to rising healthcare costs in the United States from 1960 to the present day. In your opinion, which factor has had the greatest impact?

· Discuss the two ways that product differentiation affects the demand for the product. Give an original example of product differentiation.


Do you use social media? 

If so, which ones?

How/ why do you use social media? Do you use it to get news, learn new things, for entertainment, or just to amuse yourself? 

What's your favorite form of social media? Which one do you use most? 

What's the last informative thing you saw on social media? By this, I mean when you learned something interesting or new.

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