Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Please review the diagram below attached ?to construct your concept map for bowel obstruction.? Once you have put you information into the respective boxes, in 1 page I would like you to - Essayabode

Please review the diagram below attached ?to construct your concept map for bowel obstruction.? Once you have put you information into the respective boxes, in 1 page I would like you to

Please review the diagram below attached  to construct your concept map for bowel obstruction. 

Once you have put you information into the respective boxes, in 1 page I would like you to provide a summary of what you have put together and include references at the end.

no Plagiarism more than 10%

due date 2/13/2024 or as soon as possible

add references no older than 5 years


Signs and Symptoms E9ology Pathophysiology

Physical Exam & Assessment

(Per&nent posi&ves)

Differen9al Diagnosis

Labs/Diagnos9c Tes9ng Diagnosis

(Posi&ve physical exam findings, labs, diagnos&c tes&ng that confirm diagnosis)

Health History

• History of Present Illness

• Past Medical History


Pa9ent Educa9on


• Please provide a detailed account in no more than 250-500 words that summarizes your concept map on bowel obstruc&on. You will start by saying that you ##- year old male/female with a PMH of … that presents with the (signs and symptoms). Health History includes…

• On physical assessment, pa&ent was posi&ve for….

• Differen&al Diagnosis includes the following and with that said, the following labs and diagnos&c tests were ordered and results showed…

• Diagnosis is bowel obstruc&on and the e&ology of this condi&on is ….

• Brief pathophysiology

• Treatment includes … and pa&ent educa&on is …., with follow-up ….



Patient Education


(Positive physical exam findings, labs, diagnostic testing that confirm diagnosis )

Health History

· History of Present Illness

· Past Medical History

Physical Exam & Assessment

(Pertinent positives)


· Please provide a detailed account in no more than 250-500 words that summarizes your concept map on bowel obstruction. You will start by saying that you ##- year old male/female with a PMH of … that presents with the (signs and symptoms). Health History includes…

· On physical assessment, patient was positive for….

· Differential Diagnosis includes the following and with that said, the following labs and diagnostic tests were ordered and results showed…

· Diagnosis is bowel obstruction and the etiology of this condition is ….

· Brief pathophysiology

· Treatment includes … and patient education is …., with follow-up ….


Differential Diagnosis




Labs/Diagnostic Testing

Signs and Symptoms

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