Chat with us, powered by LiveChat List your percentile scores for each category as they appear on the site: Open-Mindedness: Conscientiousness: Extraversion: Agreeableness: Negative Emotionality 2.The site - Essayabode

List your percentile scores for each category as they appear on the site: Open-Mindedness: Conscientiousness: Extraversion: Agreeableness: Negative Emotionality 2.The site


1.List your percentile scores for each category as they appear on the site:
Negative Emotionality

2.The site producing the scores provides a descriptor for each score. Discuss a sentence that particularly stood out to you and why.

3.Utilizing at least one peer-reviewed resource, write a paragraph explaining the benefit of using personality testing in order to determine whether an individual should be employed in a specific job.

4.Utilizing at least one peer-reviewed resource, write a paragraph explaining the limitations of using personality testing in order to determine whether an individual should be employed in a specific job.

5.Imagine a situation where a person suddenly had access to the test results of a boyfriend/girlfriend. Explain why this person may have a strong desire to review the results of their significant other. Discuss what social and ethical problems could arise from seeing their results.

6.Discuss if we should know the personality profiles of our community leaders. Discuss what the public might gain or lose from having those profiles.

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