Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Nurses recognize there is more to nursing than skill performance. What nurses know – the knowledge base that underlies performance, formulates a holistic approach to health and well-being. - Essayabode

Nurses recognize there is more to nursing than skill performance. What nurses know – the knowledge base that underlies performance, formulates a holistic approach to health and well-being.

Nurses recognize there is more to nursing than skill performance. What nurses know – the knowledge base that underlies performance, formulates a holistic approach to health and well-being.


What are the assumptions that color/shape your approach to care?




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 2 Discussion


Topic: Nursing Knowledge


It is important for nursing scholars and practitioners to apply the right types of theories to their practices in order to gain greater insight into understanding why human beings do what they do. The components of nursing knowledge, the metaparadigm, conceptual frameworks, models, and theories support the translation of nursing knowledge into real-world practice.


What is the difference between a model, theory, framework, and philosophy?


How are they related? (Discriminate between the concepts).




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 3 Discussion


Topic: Nursing Model Application


Nursing models provide various perspectives for thinking critically and making nursing decisions.


Choose a nursing model and identify the concepts, values, and beliefs as they apply to contemporary nursing practice.




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 4 Discussion


Topic: Cultural Model Application


Many different definitions exist for culturally related terms. Models such as the Campinha-Bacote model, Giger and Davidhizar model, Papadopoulos, Tilki, and Taylor model, Leininger’s Cultural Care Diversity and Universality theory and model, and the Purnell model identify the importance of understanding the patient’s culture into the nursing process.


What value to the role of the nurse or advanced practice nurse does a cultural model of nursing provide when used in education, practice, and administration?




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 5 Discussion


Topic: Nursing and Non-Nursing Theory       


The future of healthcare is focused upon improving patient outcomes and patient satisfaction. Through the application of research studies and theory, evidence based practice development will lead the profession of nursing into the future whereby knowledge and skills support the practice of providing quality care.


Locate one nursing theory and one non-nursing theory. Describe how two practitioners can bring these separate theories together to provide meaningful patient care.




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 6 Discussion


Topic: Meaning


It is nursing theory-based practice that differentiates nurses from other healthcare providers and that resonates so meaningfully with the persons, groups, families, and communities served by nurses. One cannot practice or live what one does not know.


Which theory speaks to your advanced nursing practice?


Explain why it speaks directly to your future practice and give specific examples of how you see it fitting into your new role.




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 7 Discussion


Topic: Inform


Child development theories, educational theories, ethical theories all provide information that support communication and patient care. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Lewin’s theory of planned change reinforce a relationship between nursing and other disciplines. Non-nursing and nursing theories can work together to inform and guide nursing practice, education, and research.


Choose a theory from one of the following disciplines of behavioral, leadership, business, education, and or technology. Describe the theory and assess its value to professional nursing practice.




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 8 Discussion


Topic: C-T-E


Conceptual-Theory-Empirical (C-T-E) formalization is a way to analyze research by systematically testing or generating theory. The function of theory is to help us better understand the world. The C-T-E system is a whole system of nursing knowledge. Review the holarchy of nursing knowledge, note its application to real-world practice.


Writing in the voice of your chosen theorist, describe the Conceptual-Theory-Empirical (C-T-E) structure process you used in creating your theory?




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 9 Discussion


Topic: Linked Application


A middle-range theory has fewer concepts and propositions than a grand theory which align with nursing practice and guide research. Conceptual models guide the direction of the propositions and empirically testable hypotheses used to create or refine middle-range theories. The progression from conceptual model to middle-range theory can be identified by reviewing King’s theory of goal attainment (middle-range theory) which is derived from King’s conceptual system (conceptual model).


Choose a conceptual model and middle-range theory. Explain how the concepts of the conceptual model and middle-range theory are consistent and are linked.




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 10 Discussion


Topic: Reflection


What do you believe about the influences of theory on nursing practice? What value do you place on using a model for practice as an advanced practice registered nurse? Has your philosophy of advanced practice nursing changed?




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 2 Assignment


What is a conceptual framework?


A conceptual framework is “a set of relatively abstract and general concepts that address the phenomena of central interest to a discipline, the propositions that broadly describe those concepts, and the propositions that state relatively abstract and general relations between two or more of the concepts” (Butts & Rich, 2018, p. 96).


Conceptual frameworks have a practical value because they guide research and practice. Each conceptual framework of nursing gives the disciple a unique perspective of the metaparadigm concept and provides a path for concrete theories.




In this assignment, you are going to locate a conceptual framework that you could use in advanced nursing practice. Explain how your chosen conceptual framework of nursing relates to the unique perspective of the metaparadigm concept of person/client, nurse, health, and environment and apply the value of a conceptual framework to advanced nursing roles. Keep in mind, that the conceptual framework is used to allow for practical applications of the metaparadigm concept that will lead to a concrete theory.




Assignment Details


For this Assignment, your paper must be 2 to 3 pages, not including the title and reference pages. Minimum requirement of at least five sources of support.


To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.


Assignment Requirements


Before finalizing your work, you should:


Minimum requirement of at least five sources of support


be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);


consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and


utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.


Your writing Assignment should:


follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);


be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;


display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and


use APA 6th Edition


How to Submit


Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit.


When you are ready to submit your Assignment, select the unit Dropbox then attach your file. Make sure to save a copy of the Assignment you submit.




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 4 Assignment


Models of Practice


 What is a model?


A model demonstrates the researcher’s interpretation of how concepts are related to one another and are developed based on qualitative research. Models often are precursors to theory development.


Three of the most prominent nursing models categorized as focusing on goals and functions include Florence Nightingale’s environmental model of nursing, Dorothy Johnson’s behavioral system model, and Nola J. Pender’s health promotion model.




In this assignment, you will locate a model of practice that you could apply to nursing. It does not need to be a nursing model. Models of practice can be found in leadership, business, education, and technology. You will explain why you have chosen the model and apply the model to your advanced practice role in the template provided.


In the first row, in the first column, write the name of your chosen model. An example has been provided in the first rows to guide you. Please remove the examples when entering your information


In the first column of the template table, list the characteristics of the model you have chosen with a source/s of support. In the second column, list an application to your advanced nursing practice role upon graduation with a source of support/s.


Assignment Details


For this Assignment, your paper must be 2 to 3 pages, not including the title and reference pages.


To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.


Assignment Requirements


Before finalizing your work, you should:


Minimum requirement of at least five sources of support


be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);


consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and


utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.


Your writing Assignment should:


follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);


be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;


display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and


use APA 6th Edition


How to Submit


Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit.


When you are ready to submit your Assignment, submit to unit Dropbox. Make sure to save a copy of your work and be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 6 Assignment


Theories of Practice


What is a theory?


Theory can be defined as “one or more relatively concrete and specific concepts that are derived from a conceptual model, the propositions that narrowly describe those concepts, and the propositions that state relatively concrete and specific relations between two or more concepts” (Butts & Rich, 2018, p. 101).


Theory is a hypothesis tested and measured to explain, predict, describe, and prescribe relationships between concepts and is developed through quantitative research.


The difference between a model and a theory is the amount of proof that exists in demonstrating the outcomes they predict. Both models and theories show relationships between concepts.




In this assignment, you will locate a grand and middle-range nursing theory and examine the utility of your chosen theories for guiding research and practice.


You will locate one grand nursing theory and one middle-range nursing theory applied in a research study. You will examine how each theory was applied within the research study and then analyze the utility of grand and middle-range nursing theories to advance the discipline of nursing and its impact upon your advanced nursing practice.


Assignment Details


For this Assignment, your paper must be 2 to 4 pages, not including the title and reference pages.


To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.


Assignment Requirements


Before finalizing your work, you should:


Minimum requirement of at least five sources of support


be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);


consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and


utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.


Your writing Assignment should:


follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);


be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;


display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and


use APA 6th Edition


How to Submit


Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit.


When you are ready to submit your Assignment, submit to unit Dropbox. Make sure to save a copy of your work and be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 8 Assignment


Where Did Theory Come From


The purpose of this Assignment is to explore how a theorist explicates his or her philosophy and thoughts behind a theoretical field. As in other fields of study, nursing has a plethora of theorists and theories. These theorists have developed their paradigm over time enriching it with research and dialogue with other theorists.




In this assignment, you are going to explore how a nurse theorist of your choice created his or her theory.


You will become the theorist immersing yourself in the writings from the earliest mentioned to the most current literature.


Writing in the voice of the theorist (taking on the persona of the theorist) create the theory through the following four stages.


In the first stage, theorizing occurs. This is where you, as the theorist, identify the concepts of what nursing is and is not. Perhaps you questioned what concepts were guiding those in nursing practice and then started to question your role. You started asking yourself, “Where am I in nursing, and where the profession is going? Is there some overarching concept that guides the professional in his or her practice?” This is where you recognize that a theory is needed.


In the second stage, syntax is developed. This is where you will define the terms. Look for changing definitions of terms. Consider, for example, Jean Watson. She starts by defining the word “caring.” Within the last ten years she has refined her terminology changing the term caring to caritas. This demonstrates a growth and maturation from decades of research she and other scholars did to produce the theory of caring.


The third stage is theory testing. Defined as the phenomena behind the theory that are exposed through research. The definitions of terms are refined. The theorists and other researchers consider whether this theory helps answer questions that arise in practice. This is where your theory is used in by a widening group of researchers. For example, graduate nursing students request the tool you developed while testing your theory.


The fourth and last stage is evaluation. This is where philosophical debate occurs as the concepts are applied through evidenced based practice in the act of providing nursing care.


Assignment Details


For this Assignment, you will write on how you developed your theory through the four stages (theorizing, syntax, theory testing, and evaluation). Your paper must be 3 to 5 pages, not including the title and reference pages.


To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.


Assignment Requirements


Before finalizing your work, you should:


Minimum requirement of at least five sources of support


be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);


consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and


utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.


Your writing Assignment should:


follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);


be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;


display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and


use APA 6th Edition


How to Submit


Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit.


When you are ready to submit your Assignment, submit to unit Dropbox. Make sure to save a copy of your work and be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 10 Assignment


The purpose of this assignment is for you to put it all together now that you have explored conceptual frameworks, models, and theories that guide advanced practice nursing.




In this Assignment, you will create a presentation using any form of presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint®, Prezi™, Powtoons™, Slidedog™, and so on). Your presentation should bring together the conceptual framework, model and theory that best fits your concept of advanced practice nursing related to your role after graduation.


Please remember that your presentation should contain slides that have bullet points. The bullets should number no more than four to six per slide. The bullet point is not written as a complete sentence. It contains key words. You, as the presenter will explain in depth what each bullet point means in the audio portion of the presentation. Slides may contain graphics, but should be uncluttered. Background and font colors should be of sufficient contrast to make reading them easy on the eyes. Attention to colors should be paid so that a person who is colorblind can easily read the presentation.


Assignment Details


The presentation should consist of a series of slides that include:


Title Slide: A title slide that identifies the title of the presentation and name of the student.


Introduction Slide: An introduction slide that includes brief information about you and your program track. The slide should also explain to the audience the purpose of the presentation.


Conceptual Slides: The third and fourth slide will focus on a conceptual framework that aligns to your professional nursing practice. The fourth slide should include why you chose the conceptual framework and how you will apply it in practice.


Model Slides: The fifth and sixth slides will address your chosen model. The bullet points should consist of the specific characteristics of the model. You will need at least one citation that identifies where the model came from. Your audio will expound upon the model and what the characteristics mean. The fifth slide should include why you chose the model and how you will apply it in practice.


Theory Slides: The next three slides will focus on your chosen theory. The first slide should present your theory and why you chose it. The next slide would present the key concepts of the theory and how it has been used to date in past research no older than five years ago. The third slide will discuss how you will use this theory in practice as an advance practice nurse upon graduation.


Graphical Slide: The next-to-last slide will be a graphical representation of how the conceptual framework, model, theory fit together.


Conclusion Slide: The last slide will be a conclusion that brings together everything you have presented. It is not a summary that just reiterates what you presented. It is a judgment about what you presented and brings the audience home, ending the presentation on a positive note about the future.


You will need supporting citations for your slides as appropriate and your very last slide will be a reference slide.


The total slide count should not exceed 15 slides. This does not include the reference slide(s) or the title slide.


Organization, documentation, references formatting guidelines must follow APA 6th edition: To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.


Assignment Requirements


Before finalizing your work, you should:


Minimum requirement of at least five sources of support


be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);


consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and


utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.


Your writing Assignment should:


follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);


be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;


display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and


use APA 6th Edition


How to Submit


Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox by 11:59 pm ET on Sunday of the unit.


When you are ready to submit your Assignment, submit to unit Dropbox. Make sure to save a copy of your work and be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 1 Quiz


Question 1          Roberta firmly believes that individual experiences are the source of all knowledge in the world.  As a scientist, she acknowledges her role as a participant in the experiments she performs and does consider herself merely a disconnected observer of phenomenon.  Roberta’s views are most closely reflective of which school of scientific thought?


Question options:


 a)           Natural Science


b)            Human Science


c)            Applied Science


d)            Soft Science


Question 2          Which argument best supports the idea of nursing as a professional discipline rather than an academic discipline?


Question options:


 a)           “Nursing is an applied science.  Its practice component places an emphasis on the delivery of service by nurses rather than the development of academic knowledge.”


b)            “Nursing is a discipline with unique substance. It borrows very little from other disciplines and, as a result, is beyond the realm of most academic programs in the sciences that acknowledge idea sharing across disciplines.”


c)            “Nursing is a concept with a lengthy unofficial history. Individuals have been providing nursing care to others since the Crusades, and this professional provision of services predates formal education in the field.”


d)            “Nursing is a relative newcomer to advanced education. For many years, nurses were educated or trained only at a Bachelor’s level, and advanced practice therefore has its roots in the profession itself rather than in academia.”


Question 3          Which statement most accurately encapsulates Thomas Kuhn’s proposed philosophy of science?


Question options:


 a)           Science philosophy should address both the conceptual and empirical problems of science and serve as merely a problem-solving activity.


b)            Science philosophy should focus on concept clarification and concept analysis based on theory development and synthesis.


c)            Science philosophy should resolve conceptual problems in science without being limited to the development of theories.


d)            Science philosophy should examine the process of science, rather than the product of science, according to a disciplinary matrix known as a paradigm.






MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 3 Quiz


Question 1                         


Which definition of health most closely resembles that proposed by King?


                a)            Health is a continuum of states of wellness and illness.


                b)            Health is a negotiation between a patient and a nurse.


                c)            Health is a goal that everyone strives for throughout their lifetime.


                d)            Health is a process of growth and development in the individual.


Question 2          According to Neuman’s model, when the amount of energy available to a system exceeds the amount of energy being used by the system, the system is in a state of:


                a)            imbalance.


                b)            decline.


                c)            homeostasis.


                d)            surplus.      


Question 3          A statement that describes an aspect of Pender’s model would be:


                a)            an external regulatory force that acts to preserve patient behavior at an optimal level.


                b)            the act of raising consciousness of health-promoting behaviors and promoting self-efficacy.


                c)            management of the environment to put patients in the best possible situation for the natural laws of health to act upon them.


                d)            the act of assisting an individual in the performance of activities contributing to health to help him or her gain independence.




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 5 Quiz


Question 1 Which scenario best exemplifies the principles of classical conditioning?


Question options:


 a)           Andrew is a toddler and is in the middle of toilet training. When Andrew uses the toilet, his mom gives him a sticker as a reward. Andrew really likes stickers and begins using the toilet on a regular basis so that he can get more of them.


b)            Suzanne is a young professional and is a smoker. During her breaks, she goes outside to smoke with several of her coworkers. After several weeks of doing so, Suzanne finds that the smell of their secondhand smoke makes her feel ill and, as a result, has no desire to smoke anymore.


c)            Tyrone is a teenager and has been saving his money to buy a car. His school class at school is planning a three-day trip to Florida, and Tyrone would really like to go. However, his dad told him that in order to go he would have to pay his own way. Tyrone decides to forego the trip so he does not deplete his car fund.


d)            Gretchen is child and is friends with the neighbor girl. Gretchen has a beautiful dollhouse that the neighbor enjoys playing with. Gretchen knows the neighbor’s family cannot afford to buy such a dollhouse, so she lets the neighbor play with the dollhouse whenever she wants.


Question 2          Which statement would an adherent of Orlando’s nursing process theory most likely make?


Question options:


 a)           “Patients and nurses develop relationships that have a clear, time-sensitive endpoint.”


b)            “Patient’s individual needs should always come before those of the health care organization.”


c)            “Patient wholeness exists on a continuum of being ill and being well that must be accepted and adapted to.”


d)            “Patients and their families should be taught how to cope with illness and understand its meaning.”


Question 3          Which health behavior theory examines not only an individual’s view of their actions, but whether or not the individual believes family members and friends would approve or disapprove of their behavior?


Question options:


 a)           The theory of planned behavior


b)            The transtheoretical approach


c)            The social ecological model


d)            Social cognitive theory




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 7 Quiz


Question 1When examining a policy initiative from an emancipatory perspective, which question would the nurse least likely ask?


Question options:


a)            Is this initiative good for the state of nursing as a profession?


b)            Who benefits from this initiative?


c)            Which social values does this initiative reflect?


d)            From which motives does this initiative arise?


Question 2          Helen has just finished reading a new research report. In reflecting on the report, Helen first considers whether the researchers’ methods were sound. Next, she asks herself what ideology the researchers appeared to be working from, as well as who will truly benefit if the researchers’ findings are used as a basis for nursing practice. Here, Helen’s activities illustrate how the emancipatory approach can strengthen which essential of advanced nursing practice?


Question options:


a)            Organizational and systems leadership for quality improvement


b)            Policy for advocacy in health care


c)            Scientific underpinnings for practice


d)            Interprofessional collaboration for improving health outcomes


Question 3In critical emancipatory nursing practice, reflexivity involves asking which question?


Question options:


a)            “Do I know what I do, and do I do what I know?”


b)            “What do I know, and how do I know it?”


c)            “Are the subjects central to the research, or are the researchers central instead?”


d)            “What is wrong with the situation, and why does this injustice exist?”




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 9 Quiz


Question 1          “A person cannot truly care for someone if she is economically, socially, or psychologically coerced to do so.” This statement best meshes with the philosophy of which feminist theorist?


Question options:


a)            Sheila Mullett


b)            Carol Gilligan


c)            Sara Ruddick


d)            Virginia Held


Question 2          Ethics is most concerned with which area of philosophical inquiry?


Question options:


a)            Ontology


b)            Epistemology


c)            Axiology


d)            Metaphysics


Question 3          According to Carol Gilligan, when women are in the first level of moral reasoning, they tend to:


Question options:


a)            overemphasize others.


b)            overemphasize self.


c)            overemphasize both self and others.


d)            place proper emphasis on self in relation to others.




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 1 Seminar Quiz


Question 1          True or False. The following is a functions of a model: Characterize relationships of phenomena.


a) True


 b) False


Question 2          True or False. The following is a functions of a model: Communicating concepts.


Question options:


a) True


 b) False


Question 3          True or False. The following is a functions of a model: Practical value.


Question options:


a) True


 b) False


Question 4          True or False. The following is a functions of a model: Guide research and practice.


a) True


 b) False




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 3 Quiz


Question 1          True or False. Johnson’s Behavioral model is focused on nursing goals and functions


Question options:


a) True


 b) False


Question 2          True or False. Pender’s Health Promotion model is focused on nursing goals and functions.


Question options:


 a) True


 b) False


Question 3          True or False. King’s Conceptual System and Theory of Goal Attainment is focused on a systems approach.


Question options:


 a) True


 b) False


Question 4          True or False. Neuman’s System model is focused on a systems approach.


Question options:


 a) True


 b) False




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 5 Seminar Quiz


Question 1 True or False. The following is a theory: Humanistic Learning theory.


Question options:


 a) True


 b) False


Question 2          True or False. The following is a theory: Social Cognitive theory.


Question options:


 a) True


 b) False


Question 3          True or False. The following is a theory: Behaviorist Learning theory.


Question options:


a) True


 b) False


Question 4          True or False. The following is a theory: Health Behavior theory.


Question options:


 a) True


 b) False




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 7 Seminar Quiz


Question 1          True or False. The first stage of the assignment identifies the concepts of what nursing is and is not.


Question options:


 a) True


 b) False


Question 2          True or False. The second stage of the assignment is where you will define terms.


Question options:


 a) True


 b) False


Question 3          True or False. The third stage of the assignment is theory testing


Question options:


 a) True


 b) False


Question 4True or False. The final stage of the assignment is evaluation.


Question options:


 a) True


 b) False




MN502 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing


Unit 9 Seminar Quiz


Question 1          True or False. Care focused feminists are interested in the differences between ethics of justice (rights) and an ethics of care (responsibilities and relationships).


Question options:


 a) True


 b) False


Question 2          True or False. Power focused feminists analyze practice, policies, systems, structures, ideologies, and attitudes that contribute to the oppression of women and other groups.


Question options:


 a) True


 b) False


Question 3          True or False. Multicultural, global, and third-wave power focused feminists focus on the ways in which race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual identity, gender identity, age, religion, educational level, profession or occupation, marital status, health contribute to some women over other women.


Question options:


 a) True


 b) False


Question 4          True or False. Descriptive ethics comes closest to scientific method of inquiry.


Question options:


 a) True


 b) False

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